Home » Sort Your Facebook Page Admins

Sort Your Facebook Page Admins

Managing your Facebook page also entails managing those who work on it. When you add someone, you can assign them one of five different roles, however Facebook does a poor job with letting you know what each is.

You have to assign each different role to find out what each is, but of course you can’t really get a handle on them until you see them side by side.

Facebook does have information of this kind elsewhere on the site, but I thought it a good thing for Page admins to take a look and then head to your own Pages and assign some roles.

If you are like me and have been managing many Pages for quite a while, it might have been a while since you added a new admin and have not looked at that section so you might not have known about the admin variations.

Only managers can change what kind of admin someone is. All admins are managers by default.

The table below outlines the 5 admin roles (across) and what they’re able to do (down):