Radio continues to be part of our daily lives. It is ubiquitous in our travels to work, the background in our kitchens and offices. My main reason for doing this post is that I want to rediscover radio for you, but also how I have rediscovered it myself. When I was in high school there was a station that promised
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#Blizzardof2015. Beware! Big Storm Coming! Before you read more, please watch this short presentation of how the news works. I do recognize that there was a significant snowfall event in the New England states. I also must add that shutting down NYC was probably prudent and that the Governor and Mayor will catch crap because it was not as big
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Lately I have not had much time to post any articles. I have certainly a lot of items to discuss and share, but time is limited these days. So what spurred me to do this post today? The oil industry trying to make me feel like a bad Canadian. They did not say that explicitly but they certainly lean on
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I am going to mention a few things. See if you can spot the trend. Jian Gomeshi Parliment attack Ice bucket challenge Rene Zellweger If you guessed that they are each a trend in themselves (especially if you are Canadian) then you are right. Though each has it’s own level of interest to everyone (from yawn to over reaction) the
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Last week the Huffington post reported that the Canadian Employment Minister, Jason Kenney was utilizing his staff to create disparaging graphics for him to tweet. Though this is an obviously childish act by someone in high office that needs to grow up, the main issue is the precedent set here. No not the silly immature bully tactics, but the statement
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For some, social media becomes a feed of others fancy fun and exciting lives. This could make you feel like your life is pretty plain compared to others, but remember – are you going to post about having Kraft Dinner again tonight, or that new hat you bought. The same goes for others. That’s what makes social media seem like
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A bookbook. That is what Ikea is announcing in it’s latest rendition of the ever popular interactive format. Wondering though if I should not pick up an allen key wrench just in case I want to put something together. A great example of marketing that is sure to be viral, based on the here today, gone tomorrow attitude espoused
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The following post is courtesy of Cristian Worthington. Cris’ career has been dedicated to bringing disruptive technologies from inception to market and isĀ currently leading a talented team who have pioneered a new class of media player called MondoPlayer. Please read his blog at mediavidi.com Vapour Wear! In the old days, Microsoft would announce a non-existent “upcoming” product (Vapour Wear),
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CBC’s The Current had a recent story about Gamification: Creating new education tools by applying video games to classroom learning. Here are my thoughts on that. While I totally agree that the word gamification is a misnomer like edutainment, and better described as game based learning, I am not sure I am totally down with it. I understand that for
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