The following article from Metro News is a good review of a new function with Google. I especially am entertained by the use of lowercase g in the verb google. Google has built into its search engine the game movie buffs everywhere love to play: Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. To find out how many degrees of separation there are
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I guess it was only a matter of time before the meld of hip hop and social media happened. For me the idea of a song about not using social media at a party is not only groovin, but might work to educate some folks that not everything in life needs to be captured online.
Here is one story making a bit of a viral appearance with my local friends on Facebook. With no dog running, Anderson Cooper has to back the cat. This makes me wonder if I should have had my dog Wilbur run. In anycase it is nice to see a candidate with a one issue agenda raising awareness in this town.
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If you have lately noticed, there is a new addition for page managers called Facebook Offers. Here is a simple breakdown of what is entailed straight from Facebook. You may however read more if your questions are not answered here right on Facebook. Offers are only available to Pages with at least 400 likes. At this time, it’s not possible
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Twitter announce changes to your profile layout. It is similar to Facebook and no doubt there will be some clever designs. I am not a big proponent of eyes on one’s profile page in the long run as it is about your follower count ratios etc. However it is important in the initial run in with people checking out who
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Don’t say you weren’t warned. If you are still leaning on any – repeat ANY FBML code on your Facebook page, time to man up and dump it. You are going to be up the creek soon enough if you don’t. Currently the FBML page on Facebook states “FBML has been removed. If you are building a new application on
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The best way to promote video on your Facebook Fan Page is to create a page app and allow the embedding of video from an online service such as YouTube. You should however make sure that the video is set to autoplay. This is done by adding ;autoplay=1 at the end of the url within the YouTube iframe code. In this
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Logging into YouTube the other day, I was forced through a merger of sorts. This is one however that may cut down on those annoying and harrasing posts by folks who hide behind thier moniker. Linking your Google Plus profile to Youtube goes beyond the initial changeover from YouTube username to gmail account after the initial buy out by Google
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Every September 19th, our inner pirate is able to come alive thanks to the designation of that day being International Talk Like a Pirate Day. That day is coming soon and I thought a bit about the origins of this and the spread of what was an anecdote to an international event. …the day is the only holiday to come
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When I log into this blog, I am presented by a qualifier developed by Sweet Captcha which also stops auto spamming of this blog. Since this is a plug to the WordPress CMS, I am not alone in using this clever and fun qualifier. Yesterday however, I was not able to login to post a new entry. Without the
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