Archive for November, 2012

feature blackfriday

Black Friday Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]

  Through a credit crunch, recession, housing crisis and jobless recovery, Americans find it hard to stay away from the stores come Thanksgiving weekend. Beginning on Black Friday – the day when retailers offer their biggest discounts in hopes that the revenues bring them “in the black” – and wrapping up with the online sales of Cyber Monday, the number
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The Music of Nick McKaig

Get With the Music of the Season

You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Holiday Vocal Cover) Happy Merry Holiday Christmas etc. Nick McKaig makes a great cover of the classic Grinch theme. And if your sick of the seasons music, then check out Star Wars – all vocal. Sweet. I have a TaunTaun under my tree this year please Santa. This is my version of “You’re a
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feature bar chart

In 2011 Facebook Accounted for 25% of Digital Display Ads. 2012?

“Among the many beneficiaries of the growth and innovation in display advertising are web publishers. The leading U.S. publisher of display ads in 2011 was Facebook with more than 1.3 trillion impressions (27.9 percent market share), more than double that of #2 publisher Yahoo! Sites at 529 billion impressions. Microsoft Sites followed as the third largest display ad publisher with
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Eigenvector centrality

Eigenvector centrality (Google Juice)

Eigenvector centrality is a measure of the importance of a node in a network. It assigns relative scores to all nodes in the network based on the principle that connections to high-scoring nodes contribute more to the score of the node in question than equal connections to low-scoring nodes. Google’s PageRank is a variant of the Eigenvector centrality measure as
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feature cell towers

Canadian Cellular Towers Map

Ever wonder how many towers there are, or even how close the nearest one is to you? You have two ways thanks to Manitoban Steven Nikkel. The Canadian Cellular Towers Map is a great use of Google Maps but if you are in central Canada, then you may have to zoom in a ways to actually start seeing the map.
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i am just a duffus rob ford

#RobFord Hits the Twittersphere.

Ford is out because he voted on a motion to keep donations in (his own promoted charity using the Mayor seat) back in 2010. Irony: he actually did not have to vote on the motion as the council voted on the monies raised as an error of judgement rather than abuse of office. It was the vote on that motion
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Calling Alligator Al. Coombs Celebrated by Google.

Google Canada recognized a great icon of children’s culture in this country by featuring Ernie Coombs on his 85th Birthday. Coombs was a regular part of my two channel experience as a child in the 70s – known to be the father figure we all wanted. Ernie Coombs starred as Mr. Dressup from the show’s launch in 1967 until the
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feature monty python trojan horse

Guest Commentary: Facebook Guidelines.

  A good friend of mine posted what I think has to be a response to the latest hoax which has some thinking that Facebook going public means that earlier copyright agreement are negated. CBSNews notes that ” Facebook members own the intellectual property (IP) that is uploaded to the social network, but depending on their privacy and applications settings,
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feature google streetview cars

Google Streetview. Capturing the Day.

In some ways Google Streetview is akin to those photo projects where numerous photographers contribute a slice of life to a project in a day. Though Streetview captures the street-scape as is, it also captures it over many different periods so you may see sun and sky on one street and then turn up another and see snow and cloud
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feature stanfields

Being part of the video shoot, you can be in the video too.

@thestanfields interactive video for “Death & Taxes” uses Facebook Connect Canadian celtic rock band The Stanfields (not the underwear) has released an interactive video that gets you involved in the mix by bringing your own Facebook content into the video through Facebook Connect. I had the privilege of being in the actual video itself having been approached by someone who
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