You should have by now received this email from Facebook if your contact email is current and you have an account: We’re writing to let you know that we are proposing updates to our Data Use Policy and our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. These two documents tell you about how we collect and use data, and the rules that
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The call starts off with a slight pause. Then a thick Indian accent introduces the caller as John, Frank or some other generic North American name. Then it starts. “I believe you have a problem with your Windows computer. You have a virus.” By gettting you to look at normal log files he identifies normal errors and tells you that
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pro·rogue /prəˈrōg/ Verb Discontinue a session of (a legislative assembly) without dissolving it. (of such an assembly) Be discontinued in this way. Synonyms adjourn – postpone – defer – delay So the federal government has decided to prorogue Parliment again. Basically cancelling debate and bills before the House. To me it is very clear that this is an attempt to
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Lot of buzz is out there on the efficacy or use of Facebook Ads. This is a timely inforgraphic which I thought you may have not seen. The following infographic from MDG Advertising examines Facebook Exchange (FBX), Facebook’s retargeting ad platform, which enables advertisers to execute real-time bidding (RTB) for the social network’s impressive ad inventory. – Mashable
Once mighty Corel evoked some response by telling folks on Facebook that they should switch from Adobe CS to its photo editing software. Thing is, it wants to target users of Photoshop, but chooses instead to target all of the CS suite. This includes web production, video production and other non photo creative tools. The power of CS is the
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It starts out with this. Usually they have one person in common as a friend. Be Aware. Mine was from Mirah ILge You can respond like I did, but you are not talking to an individual but a bot – something which looks for a response and then sends this out. No doubt since what I said has
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This is going down as a “Did you actually ever think that 80s videos could come to fruition”. Dolby is responsible for the fact that your mobile can do more than just do a beep beep when getting a call, text, email etc. “Good heavens, Miss Sakamoto! You’re beautiful!” Perhaps best known for blinding us with science, TED Music Director
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The power of Photoshop is without question the most important thing that is out there these days when it comes to impressions. I know we all are a bit wary about the photos of models and how they do not really represent reality due to much photo manipulation with software. This phto manipulation has become a noun of “photoshop’. Lets
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I recently had a complaint with my local radio station. When I commented on their page, I also took the time to post it to my own timeline. Copying and pasting the same text will ensure that you are replicating the same message. To start though, use the @ symbol in front of the name. In this case I used
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