My initial thoughts on buying the GoogleTV Asus cube for my wife was so that we can watch Netflix. Other than that, it was also proven to allow the TV to stream video from a Mac formatted external hard drive with various media types (mk4, avi, mpg etc) which the Sony tv itself did not like. I bought if for
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The season of consumption. The season of giving, The season to connect to your faith, The season to wish for snow. The season to be pretty much feeds up with crowds. Before and after the 25th. One thing I really wanted in 1974 was the Smash Up Derby Set. That was about the time that the mixture of marketing and
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Background: I had posted this link on Facebook. My thoughts right or wrong on the removal of urban address delivery (note I do not say house delivery) was in response to a very uninsightful and hurtful comment and also I might add indignantly urban aimed comment from Government House leader Peter Van Loanwho stated: “I am reminded of a time
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That old time of year is fast approaching. The nutty holiday season. Hanuka, Christmas, Kwanza and of course Festivus. I thought I might share some seasonal ideas for those techies in your life. Not all of these are tech related, other than they have that cool factor as defined by those who love all things with ones and zeros. DIY
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When I had to do research in high school in the 80s, I was reliant on dated encyclopedias and other research materials which was at best 10 years old, and at most, woefully under performing and useless. Skipping forward to university, I was able to do a little better with the use of the NovaNet which linked libraries on the
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I dropped into Hubbards last weekend and with dismay saw more signs at the exit to the old highway. Where there used to be one or two signs about local business, now there are numerous ones mostly targeting travelers, but this fall I see new ones. Ones for roofing, construction, soil fill. So what does this say? Those who spent
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