Archive for July, 2014


Enforcing CASL: How To Report Spam Violations

The following is reproduction of an article Michael Geist from July 4, 2014. (Creative Commons License) With Canada’s anti-spam law now in effect, many are starting to ask about enforcement of the law. While no one should expect the law to eliminate spam, the goal much more modest: target the bad actors based in Canada and change the privacy culture
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How Users are calculated

Having changed metrics, Google Analytics now considers Unique Visitors as Users and Vists as Sessions. I came across this post in the help about Users and thought it important enough to share with you, though you can certainly find it in the help. This first was brought to my attention when I logged in today and got a message that
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Creeps. Fundamentalist Creeps. On the Web. Egad!

I’m sure that there is a really good blog in this to go on and on about how this is just so fitting – fringe groups using the web to disseminate their message and then being exposed by the same medium – but I will just have to let this ridiculous ‘healthy living’ excuse speak for itself. Reading closer and
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