Archive for October, 2014


Who killed Professor Photoheim?

Adobe Photoshop came up with a great interactive way to engage fans of the product by releasing whodunnit mystery. Over the course of the week prior to Halloween, anyone can download a PSD file that gives clues as to who the culprit is. [I have tried to embed the post, but cannot with WordPress Go here for the full post.]
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feature thumbs down

Where is the Facebook Off Switch?

I am going to mention a few things. See if you can spot the trend. Jian Gomeshi Parliment attack Ice bucket challenge Rene Zellweger If you guessed that they are each a trend in themselves (especially if you are Canadian) then you are right. Though each has it’s own level of interest to everyone (from yawn to over reaction) the
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Someone to Admire for Work Ethics. Not.

Last week the Huffington post reported that the Canadian Employment Minister, Jason Kenney was utilizing his staff to create disparaging graphics for him to tweet. Though this is an obviously childish act by someone in high office that needs to grow up, the main issue is the precedent set here. No not the silly immature bully tactics, but the statement
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