No wonder Hitchbot is the darling of the media. The original press release started with TORONTO, ON. July 16, 2014: A trivia-loving, wellington-wearing, tweeting robot will be hitchhiking across Canada this summer, one ride at a time. hitchBOT will be leaving from Halifax, N.S. on July 27th and its ultimate destination is Victoria, B.C., more than 6,000 km away. You
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The following is reproduction of an article Michael Geist from July 4, 2014. (Creative Commons License) With Canada’s anti-spam law now in effect, many are starting to ask about enforcement of the law. While no one should expect the law to eliminate spam, the goal much more modest: target the bad actors based in Canada and change the privacy culture
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Having changed metrics, Google Analytics now considers Unique Visitors as Users and Vists as Sessions. I came across this post in the help about Users and thought it important enough to share with you, though you can certainly find it in the help. This first was brought to my attention when I logged in today and got a message that
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I’m sure that there is a really good blog in this to go on and on about how this is just so fitting – fringe groups using the web to disseminate their message and then being exposed by the same medium – but I will just have to let this ridiculous ‘healthy living’ excuse speak for itself. Reading closer and
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A terrible tragedy in Moncton New Brunswick yesterday has led to the deaths of three of the city’s finest, with two more in the hospital. Media reports identified as Jason Bourque. I took a quick look on Facebook and came across this profile, which I believe would be the person, if not then that fellow has all the warning signs
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I thought that this information was useful, but I could never quite find it. Hence I am posting it here really more for my own use, but you can feel free to use it too. Now on to the Show. Straight from Facebook, here is : How do I claim a Page that already exists for my business? Can I
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I used to have a Volvo. Twice. The first was a sedan and had the Canadian flag painted on the roof and the Scottish flag on the hood. The second was a wagon and was a real beater. Both were great cars, but the method I bought them back in the 90s was a lot different than today. Before the
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I have had a hard time trying to get branding and information in the twitter cover photo, but eventually came up with my own template. I think this pretty much works – it did for me – on all sizing on the social platform. Not that many come to your profile page when engaging with you, but if they do,
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Something like this would never happen without the advent of today’s technology. From the crowd sourcing to the showcasing of the resulting effect of the fundraising, none of this would be feasible 20 years ago. Not much more to say, as this story speaks for itself.

Some great thoughts about smart phones and dumb people. Social media is great, but like anything it should be used in moderation. This is especially important when it comes to our children. We need to ensure that our next generations are socially ept, not inept. This video by Gary Turk comments on this. There is a set number of days
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