Lately I have not had much time to post any articles. I have certainly a lot of items to discuss and share, but time is limited these days. So what spurred me to do this post today? The oil industry trying to make me feel like a bad Canadian. They did not say that explicitly but they certainly lean on
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Recently it has been reported that Google broke Canada’s privacy rules. This goes to the fact that personal health information cannot be collected and held for marketing purposes (amongst others I presume). CBC reports that Canada’s interim privacy commissioner says Google has been caught afoul of the law by displaying web ads linked to a person’s health history. An investigation
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I dropped into Hubbards last weekend and with dismay saw more signs at the exit to the old highway. Where there used to be one or two signs about local business, now there are numerous ones mostly targeting travelers, but this fall I see new ones. Ones for roofing, construction, soil fill. So what does this say? Those who spent
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