Last week the Huffington post reported that the Canadian Employment Minister, Jason Kenney was utilizing his staff to create disparaging graphics for him to tweet. Though this is an obviously childish act by someone in high office that needs to grow up, the main issue is the precedent set here. No not the silly immature bully tactics, but the statement
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Well this was quite the day with revelations all around with respect to the Senate scandal. The main thing is that truth never variesĀ this be the Duffy status. Lies do. That be the the PMO’s status (Nigel Wright had from the lips of Stephen Harper, until today, had resigned. Now IĀ hear that He was according to the lips
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Now that the dust has settled from the coronation of Justin Trudeau as the new leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, it will be interesting if the Trudeau team can capitalize on the interest surrounding the new leader that is buzzing on social media. Like anyone ‘new’ they tend to steal the spotlight from others for a period of
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