Archive for the @evansolomoncbc Tag

feature radio watch

Why is Radio Relevant?

Radio continues to be part of our daily lives. It is ubiquitous in our travels to work, the background in our kitchens and offices. My main reason for doing this post is that I want to rediscover radio for you, but also how I have rediscovered it myself. When I was in high school there was a station that promised
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Canadian Journalism Fails on the Hard Questions on Senator Duffy’s emails

Well this was quite the day with revelations all around with respect to the Senate scandal. The main thing is that truth never variesĀ  this be the Duffy status. Lies do. That be the the PMO’s status (Nigel Wright had from the lips of Stephen Harper, until today, had resigned. Now IĀ  hear that He was according to the lips
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