Lately I have not had much time to post any articles. I have certainly a lot of items to discuss and share, but time is limited these days. So what spurred me to do this post today? The oil industry trying to make me feel like a bad Canadian. They did not say that explicitly but they certainly lean on
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A terrible tragedy in Moncton New Brunswick yesterday has led to the deaths of three of the city’s finest, with two more in the hospital. Media reports identified as Jason Bourque. I took a quick look on Facebook and came across this profile, which I believe would be the person, if not then that fellow has all the warning signs
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My wife and I looked forward to a great concert on the weekend. City & Colour (Dallas Green) was in town and we caught the show at the Halifax Metro Centre. Sitting about 3 rows up from the main floor, our row was roughly 25 rows from the top. As the concert got underway, many – including ourselves – pulled
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Background: I had posted this link on Facebook. My thoughts right or wrong on the removal of urban address delivery (note I do not say house delivery) was in response to a very uninsightful and hurtful comment and also I might add indignantly urban aimed comment from Government House leader Peter Van Loanwho stated: “I am reminded of a time
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This is the third of my historical series on marketing. Listerine. Had it today? Used it? In any case you know it as what? A mouthwash of course. But that is not what is was made for originally. Originally it was an antiseptic. When the 1921 recession came about, then the sales declined of the antiseptic. Gerald Lambert who was
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If you are not from Canada, then excuse the following post – unless you want to see a leading G8 country not descend into non democratic principles. Some might say that we have already done this because of the scandal involving many senate members. Our Senate is not elected, but appointed. We like to think that they are folks who
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Sounds like that Newfoundland and Labrador government’s social media advisory train is off the track. First, opposition Gerry Rogers member was kicked out of the house because she would not apologize to Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Kathy Dunderdale for someone else’s Facebook posts on the group Kathy Dunderdale must GO!!!. Rogers says she was added to the group without her
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Earlier I had posted about an ad on Kijiji regarding a dishwasher (“Beautiful Sears Kenmore dishwasher -or a really nice boat anchor”). It was not necessarily for sale, but it did highlight the plight of Shauna Jones and Gerry LeBlanc regarding the old run around from Sears. Seems that the Sears reputation for standing by their products and service is
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Having reached a point where her business and personal life is in disarray because of business dealings with Loblaws, Amanda House took to YouTube to appeal directly to company president Galen Weston about past dealings and failures about her company YoPro and Loblaws. I first saw this when a friend on Facebook posted this. His comments ring true with regard
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A good friend of mine posted what I think has to be a response to the latest hoax which has some thinking that Facebook going public means that earlier copyright agreement are negated. CBSNews notes that ” Facebook members own the intellectual property (IP) that is uploaded to the social network, but depending on their privacy and applications settings,
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