L’Anse aux Meadows is a Parks Canada National Historic Site at the tip of the Great Northern Peninsula in Newfoundland. It showcases the first European settlement in North America through interpretation and reconstruction. “The reconstructions of three Norse buildings are the focal point of this archaeological site, the earliest known European settlement in the New World. The archaeological remains at
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I have been playing around with the re-branding of my digital namesake of textureweb – originally a company I ran from 95 til 08. I want to keep some of the moniker of the original iconography, but have been playing around with an update. Here is one of my favourite versions from 10 years ago [screen grab below]. I
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Background: I had posted this link on Facebook. My thoughts right or wrong on the removal of urban address delivery (note I do not say house delivery) was in response to a very uninsightful and hurtful comment and also I might add indignantly urban aimed comment from Government House leader Peter Van Loanwho stated: “I am reminded of a time
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When I had to do research in high school in the 80s, I was reliant on dated encyclopedias and other research materials which was at best 10 years old, and at most, woefully under performing and useless. Skipping forward to university, I was able to do a little better with the use of the NovaNet which linked libraries on the
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I want to share some coverage of the, as the American media calls him, The Crack Smoking Mayor of Toronto. Rob Ford is the Mayor of the fourth largest city in the US and Canada combined. Mayor Rob Ford thinks this is all fun and games, but this story lives on with the web. So here are four shots I
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OK so here in my part of the world there is a large backlash against cups from coffee from Tim Hortons coffee ( no ‘ as they need to be in Quebec). They are everywhere. What to do to pick those up? Nothing! The question is what to do to stop the dumping in the first place. Well for me
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In my second installment about the advent of marketing, history and advertising I want to draw attention to something that was prevalent in the first decade of the 20th century. This was the line of still new or fresh or undebated ideas about psychological and analytical analysis. Still at that time, one could take leanings or rather reports and relate
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pro·rogue /prəˈrōg/ Verb Discontinue a session of (a legislative assembly) without dissolving it. (of such an assembly) Be discontinued in this way. Synonyms adjourn – postpone – defer – delay So the federal government has decided to prorogue Parliment again. Basically cancelling debate and bills before the House. To me it is very clear that this is an attempt to
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This is going down as a “Did you actually ever think that 80s videos could come to fruition”. Dolby is responsible for the fact that your mobile can do more than just do a beep beep when getting a call, text, email etc. “Good heavens, Miss Sakamoto! You’re beautiful!” Perhaps best known for blinding us with science, TED Music Director
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