By showing that your organization is a community caring one through donations to worthy causes, it is not only acceptable, but of excellent benefit of the donation program to encourage the amount that is given to charity based on page likes. Page likes over time will tailor off as people like the page to raise the monetary bar, and may
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Twitter announce changes to your profile layout. It is similar to Facebook and no doubt there will be some clever designs. I am not a big proponent of eyes on one’s profile page in the long run as it is about your follower count ratios etc. However it is important in the initial run in with people checking out who
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Don’t say you weren’t warned. If you are still leaning on any – repeat ANY FBML code on your Facebook page, time to man up and dump it. You are going to be up the creek soon enough if you don’t. Currently the FBML page on Facebook states “FBML has been removed. If you are building a new application on
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The best way to promote video on your Facebook Fan Page is to create a page app and allow the embedding of video from an online service such as YouTube. You should however make sure that the video is set to autoplay. This is done by adding ;autoplay=1 at the end of the url within the YouTube iframe code. In this
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Trying to comment on a page, not as the page admin, but as yourself? Another change, again with no warning is the Voice option. This is however a great thing. While available before, it was not as clear and actually was a bit faulty so I never bothered. Besides, in some of the pages I admin, the members know
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