Last week the Huffington post reported that the Canadian Employment Minister, Jason Kenney was utilizing his staff to create disparaging graphics for him to tweet. Though this is an obviously childish act by someone in high office that needs to grow up, the main issue is the precedent set here. No not the silly immature bully tactics, but the statement
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pro·rogue /prəˈrōg/ Verb Discontinue a session of (a legislative assembly) without dissolving it. (of such an assembly) Be discontinued in this way. Synonyms adjourn – postpone – defer – delay So the federal government has decided to prorogue Parliment again. Basically cancelling debate and bills before the House. To me it is very clear that this is an attempt to
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It must be the weather, but this week has been orientated towards politics. Maybe it’s because so many politicians make errors on social media. Sure we all do, but when you are in the public eye and supposed to represent the public in terms of policy, tread carefully. This time round, in response to Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford who wants
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Like Your PVR? Like your right to copy CDs or DVDs you bought for your own use? Right now that is all legal and prudent in Canada. Well folks PM Harper is saying NO – he wants to make that illegal. The Tories are screwing us by making sure that we can no longer tape, record, copy or otherwise enjoy
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