My wife and I looked forward to a great concert on the weekend. City & Colour (Dallas Green) was in town and we caught the show at the Halifax Metro Centre. Sitting about 3 rows up from the main floor, our row was roughly 25 rows from the top. As the concert got underway, many – including ourselves – pulled
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The rise of smartphones and adoption by consumers is one, which has been extremely quick. Television took 30 years to reach main penetration of households. The web and desktop computer (which are hand- in hand in terms of household uptake) took around 10 years. Smartphones? Something like three years or so. Canadian smartphone ownership, according to a 2013 Google report,
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For years our family ordered pizza from a local place. I was a loyal customer. Over time however, we noticed the quality had changed. The service was still top notch, but the pizzas and donairs – well they just were not up to what we thought they used to be. We still ordered. We still believed that the next
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I have been playing around with the re-branding of my digital namesake of textureweb – originally a company I ran from 95 til 08. I want to keep some of the moniker of the original iconography, but have been playing around with an update. Here is one of my favourite versions from 10 years ago [screen grab below]. I
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Background: I had posted this link on Facebook. My thoughts right or wrong on the removal of urban address delivery (note I do not say house delivery) was in response to a very uninsightful and hurtful comment and also I might add indignantly urban aimed comment from Government House leader Peter Van Loanwho stated: “I am reminded of a time
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When I had to do research in high school in the 80s, I was reliant on dated encyclopedias and other research materials which was at best 10 years old, and at most, woefully under performing and useless. Skipping forward to university, I was able to do a little better with the use of the NovaNet which linked libraries on the
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In my youth I was enthralled with the ability to take my music remotely – more than the portable tape recorders of my older siblings. I enthralled in the walking, bilking and just plain hanging out ability to listen to my cassettes. Indeed the Walkman from Sony changed my buying patterns – dropping being tied to the family turn table
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Once mighty Corel evoked some response by telling folks on Facebook that they should switch from Adobe CS to its photo editing software. Thing is, it wants to target users of Photoshop, but chooses instead to target all of the CS suite. This includes web production, video production and other non photo creative tools. The power of CS is the
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I recently had a complaint with my local radio station. When I commented on their page, I also took the time to post it to my own timeline. Copying and pasting the same text will ensure that you are replicating the same message. To start though, use the @ symbol in front of the name. In this case I used
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Digital Marketing encapsulates many forms of marketing that I believe belong really under one moniker. Social media, paid search, display and Facebook advertising, reach and analysis, content development (non-article based), peer review research and industry related blogging all work to further the goal of awareness of an organization. As marketing is about awareness, the aspect of digital marketing encapsulates creating
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