I have a lot of things that I would like to comment and blog about, but sometimes it is just not worthy of an article. Hence I have launched a Facebook page where I will post those items rather then keep them as a link in my desktop where they inevitably get sent to the trash. I also want
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Recently it has been reported that Google broke Canada’s privacy rules. This goes to the fact that personal health information cannot be collected and held for marketing purposes (amongst others I presume). CBC reports that Canada’s interim privacy commissioner says Google has been caught afoul of the law by displaying web ads linked to a person’s health history. An investigation
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When I had to do research in high school in the 80s, I was reliant on dated encyclopedias and other research materials which was at best 10 years old, and at most, woefully under performing and useless. Skipping forward to university, I was able to do a little better with the use of the NovaNet which linked libraries on the
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Benjamin Moore has a contest that asks you to vote for the place that matters to you so that they can provide the paint to “Paint What Matters“. This is in partnership with Brad Pitt and his organization makeitright.org. Here in Halifax, our own mayor got into the act. Mayor Mike Savage does a great job at helping to promote
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I feel that one can never be told enough to manage their social profile. You never know when you might find another opportunity or worse, have to look for one. Employers are looking beyond LinkedIn to find out what you are all about.

Organic search results are listings on search engine results pages that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, as opposed to their being advertisements. In contrast, non-organic search results may include pay per click advertising. Unlike a website, we do not have full control over the optimization for search engine ranking on Facebook, however there is some things
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The following graphic released by Visual.ly shows some differences between U.S. and UK Pinterest users. American users tend to be slightly more towards the X generation women, while UK are more Millennias and male, however the big news is the use of the social curating site. The US is more about what the media talks of – home decor and
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Here is a letter I received from Google announcing a change in policy. Some privacy advocates are concerned about the change. No word yet as to how it conforms (or doesn’t conform) to the PIPEDAct here in Canada. This may be the integration I was predicting earlier. I am seeing this just as Facebook knows my preferences and delivers
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I did some lateral thinking about how the implementation of a social platform for Google+ can have some pretty far reaching impacts on the Google location services Earth. Here is what I was thinking. In the fall, Google announced that service reached 1 billion downloads of the Google Earth desktop client, the Google Earth browser plug-in and the Google Earth
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On January 19th, Google+ hit 90 million users. So a little focus on that platform is probably needed this week as mostly I have talked about Facebook. I really could not make the points that the title indicates any clearer, so am sharing a page from a great paper from HubSpot –
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