![feature thumbs down](http://blog.textureweb.com/wp-content/uploads/feature-thumbs-down-600x200.png)
I am going to mention a few things. See if you can spot the trend. Jian Gomeshi Parliment attack Ice bucket challenge Rene Zellweger If you guessed that they are each a trend in themselves (especially if you are Canadian) then you are right. Though each has it’s own level of interest to everyone (from yawn to over reaction) the
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Last week the Huffington post reported that the Canadian Employment Minister, Jason Kenney was utilizing his staff to create disparaging graphics for him to tweet. Though this is an obviously childish act by someone in high office that needs to grow up, the main issue is the precedent set here. No not the silly immature bully tactics, but the statement
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![feature cash f you](http://blog.textureweb.com/wp-content/uploads/feature-cash-f-you-600x200.png)
For some, social media becomes a feed of others fancy fun and exciting lives. This could make you feel like your life is pretty plain compared to others, but remember – are you going to post about having Kraft Dinner again tonight, or that new hat you bought. The same goes for others. That’s what makes social media seem like
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Some great thoughts about smart phones and dumb people. Social media is great, but like anything it should be used in moderation. This is especially important when it comes to our children. We need to ensure that our next generations are socially ept, not inept. This video by Gary Turk comments on this. There is a set number of days
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For years our family ordered pizza from a local place. I was a loyal customer. Over time however, we noticed the quality had changed. The service was still top notch, but the pizzas and donairs – well they just were not up to what we thought they used to be. We still ordered. We still believed that the next
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When you have a game like we saw last night with the apparent blowout by the Broncos, coupled with the over the top hype by the media of how they were going to win, you have to expect some memes on this. Payton may be a great quarterback, but even my fav, Tom Brady can have a day where it
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![feature prorogue](http://blog.textureweb.com/wp-content/uploads/feature-prorogue-600x200.png)
pro·rogue /prəˈrōg/ Verb Discontinue a session of (a legislative assembly) without dissolving it. (of such an assembly) Be discontinued in this way. Synonyms adjourn – postpone – defer – delay So the federal government has decided to prorogue Parliment again. Basically cancelling debate and bills before the House. To me it is very clear that this is an attempt to
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![Screen shot 2013-03-13 at 4.19.43 PM](http://blog.textureweb.com/wp-content/uploads/Screen-shot-2013-03-13-at-4.19.43-PM-547x200.png)
As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am not at present able to upload any media. To me part of what I want and need to tell in my storytelling must include graphics. This has led me to not posting. It also has led me to a realiszation about the importance of this blog to me. I am unsure
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![Screen shot 2013-04-15 at 1.58.15 PM](http://blog.textureweb.com/wp-content/uploads/Screen-shot-2013-04-15-at-1.58.15-PM-600x200.png)
Now that the dust has settled from the coronation of Justin Trudeau as the new leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, it will be interesting if the Trudeau team can capitalize on the interest surrounding the new leader that is buzzing on social media. Like anyone ‘new’ they tend to steal the spotlight from others for a period of
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![featrure stupid bush](http://blog.textureweb.com/wp-content/uploads/featrure-stupid-bush.png)
If you really need a service to tell you not to tweet about things like how you hate your job or boss, then you are definitely ripe for being a twidiot – my coin for an idiot on twitter. One who fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down. The website FireMe! attempts to
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