I have a beef with an ad running in high circulation on some channels i watch. This is not quite the same, but a slightly older ad from Cascade. The premise is the same. Before I make my point, watch this short clip. Do you see my beef? When you have an ad that has to explain things it just
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Once mighty Corel evoked some response by telling folks on Facebook that they should switch from Adobe CS to its photo editing software. Thing is, it wants to target users of Photoshop, but chooses instead to target all of the CS suite. This includes web production, video production and other non photo creative tools. The power of CS is the
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Digital Ad Engagement: Perceived Interactivity as a Driver of Advertising Effectiveness, a study by Alex Wang, Ph.D. of the University of Connecticut (Stamford) explores use of interactive approaches as a way to increase efficacy of digital magazine advertising. These ads employ technology to deliver expandable, rollover, transitional, and over-the-page and games to the reader. We say reader in this case
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Marketplace ads, until March 31, had a 110×80-pixel image and 135 characters of copy. This is now changed to a 99×72-pixel image and 90 characters of body copy. According to Inside Facebook, Even though existing documentation on Facebook still refers to the 110×80 dimensions, the site seems to have already begun resizing images to 99×72 automatically. The company
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