Home » Autoplay Video from YouTube on Facebook

Autoplay Video from YouTube on Facebook

The best way to promote video on your Facebook Fan Page is to create a page app and allow the embedding of video from an online service such as YouTube. You should however make sure that the video is set to autoplay. This is done by adding ;autoplay=1 at the end of the url within the YouTube iframe code.

In this example we are going to stream from YouTube using the new iframe embed code on a page on a secure server and then call it into the page app. To do this, see an earlier article on this – though there may well be some updates and changes not covered Make a new tab with a native Facebook App. This example of code is also one that is from a playlist. In this case Adobe TV which is used on the Halifax Adobe User Group page on Facebook.

<iframe width="750" height="422" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bI0OU6wgJf4?list=UUppqA-uJ4duBJymLy8vyEDQ&amp;hl=en_US;autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

One of the items that continually gets my goat is the ability to hook the page up up to the page. I still have not found a replacement for the following. You can of course use this to add an other pages page app to your own page – barring any copyright conflicts.


This will return your list of pages that you own and you can then attach the Page app.