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Deserve and Demand Better


From the original stock art, you can see why the feet do not work. The placement does not allow for an object underneath. The perspective becomes distorted.

From the original stock art, you can see why the feet do not work. The placement does not allow for an object underneath. The perspective becomes distorted.

A recent ad in the paper had me a bit miffed. Looking at the ad, it appears that the child has no feet. The stereo is very obviously placed in the photo. Shadow and light are important. With the power of CS4 Photoshop even, a proper job can be done on this. Closer up you can see feet, but the lack of shadow on the body and stereo, also with the back lighting and back shadows make this an amateur result.

The placement of the stereo cannot work with this perspective. It would have been far better to find a stock art where the child was standing on something and work from there. Or better yet, shoot a real photo. And no the cost should not be astronomical as agencies like to pad photo shoots as they send two or more people to the shoot and over analyze the process – driving up client costs needlessly.

Was the client asking for something that the budget did not allow and this was the result? Then the agency should have stepped up and said so.

Did the agency say, that will suffice? Then the client should have stepped up and disagreed.

In either case, clients deserve better and should demand better. Agency’s should know when the product is sub par. In any case, I am more attracted to the image than the actual message.

The original stock art from Corbis.

The original stock art from Corbis.

Have a look. Do you agree? To me this is something I can do in 5 minutes (the photo edit area). In reality this should take about an hour of proper work.

The original entire advertisement.

The original entire advertisement.

Perhaps the best solution would have been a better creative. This is pretty lame to me.