Now that the dust has settled from the coronation of Justin Trudeau as the new leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, it will be interesting if the Trudeau team can capitalize on the interest surrounding the new leader that is buzzing on social media. Like anyone ‘new’ they tend to steal the spotlight from others for a period of
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If you really need a service to tell you not to tweet about things like how you hate your job or boss, then you are definitely ripe for being a twidiot – my coin for an idiot on twitter. One who fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down. The website FireMe! attempts to
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When to post, tweet, speak, shout. This infographic from Argyle Social gives some idea as to the whowhatwherewhatwhenwha?

As a Canadian Astronaut and current Commander of the International Space Station, Chris Hadfield has taken hundreds of images from space and tweeted them. To Dave MacLean of the Nova Scotia Community College in Lawrencetown, N.S., the images were more than just a cool perspective from the International Space Station. MacLean teaches a class on advanced geographic sciences (geographic information
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Did former Senator Scott Brown pocket tweet? You be the judge. I am thinking Not.

Matt Damon, co-founder of Water.org and award winning actor and activist created a bit of a stir with his PSA done in mockumentary style to raise awareness about the plight of millions of people who lack clean water and basic sanitation, is taking a stand for the water crisis. Watch his announcement and support the strike by signing up
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By comScore With the widespread adoption of the Internet around the world came the rise of social networking as a global phenomenon. In March 2007, Social Networking as a category had a global audience of less than 500 million users, representing just 56 percent of the world’s online population. In those days, as Thomas Friedman put it, “‘Twitter’ was a
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A great holiday related #sadoff from Funny or Die making it’s rounds on social media today. Enjoy. The Sad Off with Samuel L. Jackson and Anne Hathaway from Samuel L Jackson

One would have thought that Starbucks would have learnt from the #McDStories debacle. This time the #spreadthecheer campaign backfired as people protested the tax dodging techniques of Starbucks in the UK where the company rigged expenses to offshore monies so they paid an astonishing 0.17 % in taxes. Apparently the company had a display at Natural History Museum in London with
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Ford is out because he voted on a motion to keep donations in (his own promoted charity using the Mayor seat) back in 2010. Irony: he actually did not have to vote on the motion as the council voted on the monies raised as an error of judgement rather than abuse of office. It was the vote on that motion
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