Archive for the Instagram Tag

feature nph

Twittisoding Margaritas.

Neil Patrick Harris is always up for a laugh. Though we usually talk about digital media – though today I thought I might highlight a lighter side of the use of social media. I am sure that this is staged, but it does almost become a mini tweetisode of sorts (coined that term today by the way). Staged or not,
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feature strike

#strikewithme Says Matt Damon

  Matt Damon, co-founder of and award winning actor and activist created a bit of a stir with his PSA done in mockumentary style to raise awareness about the plight of  millions of people who lack clean water and basic sanitation, is taking a stand for the water crisis. Watch his announcement and support the strike by signing up
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Instagram uses a stylized version of the Brownie in it's app icon. Maybe the two circles in Flickr's logo were inspired by the Brownie as well.

Settle Down: Instagram Not to Use User Photos in Ads

  SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Instagram, the popular mobile photo-sharing service now owned by Facebook, said Tuesday that it will remove language from its new terms of service suggesting that users’ photos could appear in advertisements. The language in question had appeared in updated policies announced Monday and scheduled to take effect Jan. 16. After an outcry on social media
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infographic instagram

Business Marketers Guide to Instagram [Infographic]

feature pabst

Integration of Social in Web Branding

“Add your favorite photos, videos, crazy stories, daydreams, nightmares, artwork, craftwork, ramblings, shoutouts & upcoming events. If it’s PBR related, put it on here.” Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer has done a great job at integrating social media onto their site. Beer drinkers are fickle and no doubt trying to get drinkers when they start rather than convert an older drinker
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Instagram 1. PicPlz 0.

Since loosing out to photo filter service Instagram, PicPlz is shutting down on July 3rd. Best you get your pics beforehand if you use it, Though I don’t know many that do. PicPlz has posted the following on their website a On July 3, 2012, picplz will shut down permanently and all photos and data will be deleted. We
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feature lostlives

Yesterday’s Photos Meet Today’s Social

Ryan Delehanty dropped in a local Halifax thrift shop and found a treasure trove of photographs documenting some unknown peoples lives. Most of the photos are of the same group of mid- twenties characters and seem to be in the late 60s in parts of Halifax, Montreal and Philadelphia. The vintage shots capture a time when we documented our lives
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