Archive for the tablet Tag


Neato Entertainment Needs You. And You Need It.

Neato Entertainment is a Halifax based company television production aficionado  Michael-Andreas Kuttner, otherwise known in the fair city as M-A. Kuttner is a self described “Recovering TV producer. Interface designer, digital media strategist and these days, maker of Interactive TV.” Neato is in an alpha mode (my description) of a product which will be available for free for initially Android
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Is your website ready for cross-device holiday shoppers?

Today I am just getting back from vacation, but received this in my inbox. I thought it important enough to share with you all. Last year’s holiday shopping gave birth to “couch commerce” shoppers—people using tablets as their preferred device for shopping. Because of this, online retailers are under pressure to ensure that their web properties are optimized for all
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feature tablet

Tablet Users Skew Older and Towards Upper Income Households

Today’s post comes directly from the comScore Data Mine. A free newsletter from metrics big wig comScore. “A demographic analysis of U.S. tablet users found that the heaviest audience concentration was between the ages of 25-44, accounting for 45.8 percent of users. Compared to smartphone owners, tablet users were 28 percent more likely to be in the 65 and older
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