Well this was quite the day with revelations all around with respect to the Senate scandal. The main thing is that truth never varies this be the Duffy status. Lies do. That be the the PMO’s status (Nigel Wright had from the lips of Stephen Harper, until today, had resigned. Now I hear that He was according to the lips of Stephen Harper – he was fired).
This blog of course is not a political o nw, but based on the world of digital revelations.
So Now that Senator Duffy has released his damning evidence of emails on the Senate floor and to the press, I have to wonder. Iam in no part endorsing one side or the other, but if Duffy REALLY wants to convince the Senate, the Commons, the public, and the RCMP – then email correspondence in themselves are not enough.
I can make up an email from you to me. Here it goes:
On 13-10-28 11:21 PM, Nigel Wright wrote:
Mike:Sorry I did not get you that $90K last week, but it will be there by end of day today.Nigel
Right? so text can be anything. But now let us look at the header of that email.
Please note that for spam resonse there is the word private int he following. Byut you can look at a header from all emails you get as well.
X-Account-Key: account1 X-UIDL: UID2891-1375361521 X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Return-path: <blog@textureweb.com> Envelope-to: blog@textureweb.com Delivery-date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 20:21:25 -0600 Received: from mta03.eastlink.ca (private) by cp1035.private.ca with esmtp (Exim 4.80.1) (envelope-from <blog@textureweb.com>) id 1Vayvs-private for blog@textureweb.com; Mon, 28 Oct 2013 20:21:24 -0600 Received: from private.private.ca ([private]) by mta03.private.ca (Oracle Communications Messaging Exchange Server 7u4-21.01 64bit (built Feb 16 2011)) with ESMTP id <private@mta03.private.ca> for blog@textureweb.com; Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:21:26 -0300 (ADT) Received: from Todd-Yeadons-MacBook-Pro-2.local ([private]) by cprivate.eprivate.ca with id private; Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:21:26 -0300 X-Authority-Analysis: v=2.1 cv=Xr3DZz19 c=1 sm=1 tr=0 a=z6YA6TNMFh2AJEgbARtdJg==:117 a=zprivate a=Cx2zhkRamOsA:10 a=8nJEP1OIZ-IA:10 a=private a=mXCE3AD-5PtyqOpMPqAA:9 a=wPNLvfGTeEIA:10 a=private Message-id: <private@textureweb.com> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:21:22 -0300 From: "Todd V. Yeadon" <blog@textureweb.com> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130801 Thunderbird/17.0.8 MIME-version: 1.0 To: blog@textureweb.com Subject: We need to fix this shit Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit X-Spam-Status: No, score= X-Spam-Score: X-Spam-Bar: X-Ham-Report: X-Spam-Flag: NO Mike: Sorry I did not get you that $90K last week, but it wiil be there by end of day today. Nigel
My oh my- was me who sent it to myself.I am again not supposing one over the other as both the PMO and Duffy are in the midst of a Canadian political shoot. However I think that Senator Duffy might want to do more than just release email printouts and include the headers.
More than the shenanigans with the Senate and the PMO – WHY the HELL is not the journalists in our country not asking for the complete email header printer out – I can make an email today telling you all that Evan Soloman wears orange underwear with out proof.
Only the inclusion of a header file of an email makes an email legit and lets keep that clear.
For who is right and wrong in this? I go on the side of let us not judge until due process is performed.
The end of the day with that email trial – why would not these folks just do the old school thing of feeding pigeons in the park to talk. Or even using that thing call a telephone.
Duffy, Stephen – I think you would have circumvented this event with the old school sitting down in a mob restaurant over a little bit of pasta.
Everyone her gets what they get. Stupidity as if the world does not log email. Email print outs are nothing without the header. There is no paper or digital trail without the header.
Here is how you find it. WATUP?
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