Archive for the review Tag


Ask, Measure, Learn: Book Review

Ask, Measure, Learn Using Social Media Analytics to Understand and Influence Customer Behavior By Lutz Finger, Soumitra Dutta Publisher: O’Reilly Media Released: January 2014 Pages: 338   I think the photo I have of the copy given to me speaks volumes of the value of this book. To be clear I consider myself a digital marketing professional. Part of what
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feature pearltrees

Pearltrees. Social Worthy? Nah.

Pearltrees allows you to bookmark sites just like StumbleUpon. It mixes that function with the pinning and organizing approach of Pinterest. You can post notes and photos as well as the URLs, which are referred to as ‘pearls’. The folders you put them in and organize heirachically are called ‘pearltrees. You can then engage in an open curation of the
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feature social media examiner

For Those About to Blog – We Salute You

Social Media Examiner posted a new article today about blogging entitled “4 Ways to Create Content That Sells”. I found this to be a great read and the link is below, so I will not labour the point and go through it point by point, however there is one part of the article that stands out to me. The article
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browser surfer

Browsers – HTML5 Handling and Tools for Inspector Gadget

  Looking to see the best browser for the best experience with HTML5? This should help – it’s the latest ranking from which ranks all browsers.This particular list is for desktops, but the site also has listings for tablets, mobile, gaming and television. That’s right television. You’re welcome George Jetson. Still on IE6? You might want to upgrade to
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Feature Pinterest

Pinterest. A Social Platform on a Metoric Rise.

I recently received this blog suggestion: Pinterest – what is it? Kind of looks to me like a new for of digg or reddit, but I haven’t explored it that much yet?.  So here goes. Pinterest is a basically what it says it is – a social platform tomake different boars and attach or pin interesting posts much like your
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